• Book Reviews

    REVIEW: The Merciful Crow – Margaret Owen

    “Pa was taking too long to cut the boys’ throats.”

    With this opening line we are immediately thrust into the world of The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen.  Going in to this novel I was afraid that it would be another case of a premise too good to deliver.

    I have very rarely been so happy to be wrong!

  • Book Reviews

    REVIEW: Wilder Girls – Rory Power

    “A wilderness in everyone, like the one I’ve always felt in me.  Only real this time. In my body, and not just my head.”

    Wilder Girls by Rory Power blew. Me. AWAY! I finished this novel a few weeks ago, but this was definitely one I needed to sit with for a bit before jumping in to a review.  It’s been hard for me to try to order my thoughts into a coherent fashion for this review because just about all of the elements that I enjoyed the most are areas that I know a lot of people don’t like.

  • Bookish Lifestyle

    Book Dates

    Tertulia Coffee in Downtown Oakland – This place was way too cool for me!

    I’m currently in a highly competitive step challenge at work.  Our team name is “Will Walk For Food” and we are in 5th place and are very mad about it.  One of my coworker-teammates also happens to be my roommate and in an effort to motivate us to get more steps in over the weekend, she found a few interesting looking coffee shops around Oakland and forced us to walk to them.