ISuckAtThisFR,  Twitch Journey

A (likely) disastrous adventure: I decided to stream on Twitch.

I think they could be friends!

I recently made the very silly decision to stream video games on Twitch.  Am I good at video games?  No.  Do I play video games often?  Nope.  Am I good at social media so this could be an interesting new venture?  Absolutely not.

Let’s jump into Chapter One of this adventure: What the hell am I doing??

Answer: I have no clue.  But perhaps it’s more fun that way.

Ultimately, this move is the culmination of trying to reconnect more with my brother, starting a new job, and my ADHD brain fixating on a silly wayward thought.

My brother and I have never been close: he’s 5 years older than me and we’ve had very little in common.  He’s recently had some major life changes and, since he lives half a country away from me, the best way I could think of to try to support him is to reconnect over video games.

Does that make a lot of sense?  Honestly, no clue.  I’ve never claimed to be an overly rational person.  I guess you could say this is my way of taking an interest in his interests.  

At this same time I was looking into what I would need for this, I was also moving onto a new team at work.  My new role is in Learning & Development and in the age of COVID-necessitated work from home, a major part of my role is to facilitate development workshops virtually via Zoom.

So here I am, getting a gaming laptop to play games with my brother and webcam/lighting/mic to have a more polished presentation vibe for my new role.  The next thing I know I’m hyperfocus spiraling researching Twitch streaming at 2am on a Wednesday.  My toxic trait is that I will always take jokes too far.

And so, the ISuckAtThisFR Twitch channel was created.

And while I’m fumbling around on the internet for anyone in the great void to witness, I figure I might as well chronical it further here. Because why not. And if this is successful (whatever that means) then this will be a fun memento.  If not… well, it’s not like the internet is forever! Right?


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